[Neutron] 2010 Clifford G. Shull Fellowship Program

Martin, Bob martinrg at ornl.gov
Fri Jul 17 15:29:49 CEST 2009

The Neutron Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) invites applications for the Clifford G. Shull Fellowship Program.  With the world's highest flux reactor-based neutron source (the High Flux Isotope Reactor) and the world's most intense pulsed accelerator-based neutron source (the Spallation Neutron Source), ORNL has become the world's foremost center for neutron science. Research at these facilities will encompass the physical, chemical, materials, biological, and medical sciences and will provide opportunities for up to 2000 researchers each year from industry, research facilities, and universities all over the world.  To learn more about Neutron Sciences at ORNL go to: http://neutrons.ornl.gov.

The Clifford G. Shull Fellowship Program is aimed at attracting new scientific talent to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and its neutron science programs, making it possible for these outstanding new scientists to continue on the path to excellence while substantially contributing to ORNL and U.S Department of Energy missions and goals. The Shull Fellowship is open to fields of science and engineering that further advances neutron science. Shull Fellows are expected to provide valuable stimuli to the research efforts of the Laboratory, make available the most recent developments of university science and engineering departments, and represent the Laboratory to its sponsors and collaborators in the scientific community.

Major Duties/Responsibilities
The Shull Fellowship Program is directed to recent doctoral degree recipients of exceptional ability who show clear and definite promise of becoming outstanding leaders in scientific research and development.

The Program will provide them with the opportunity to:

* develop neutron science programs in areas of national importance
* pursue research programs within their areas of interest and expertise
* collaborate with Laboratory R&D staff and distinguished scientists
* have access to Laboratory expertise, facilities, and programs

Shull Fellows carry out and develop research programs to enhance the knowledge of the
structure or dynamical behavior of advanced materials using neutron scattering as a primary tool; work with scientists in ORNL and other research institutions on collaborative research programs using neutron scattering experiments; educate and promote the use of neutron scattering to new user communities; publish research results in scientific journals; and assist Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor instrument scientists and design teams in the development of new instrumentation to meet research program goals.

Qualifications Required
Each applicant must be the recipient of an earned doctorate and must be no more than three years beyond the doctorate. A Ph D. in condensed matter physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, biology or related field is required. Applicants should not have previously held more than one postdoctoral appointment. Current ORNL postdoctoral appointees and staff members cannot be considered as valid applicants. Previous experience in neutron or X-ray scattering techniques is advantageous; however, outstanding candidates possessing characterization skills and expertise in nano-materials are also encouraged to apply. Strong written and oral communication skills and the desire to work in a team environment on scientifically challenging problems are required. Applicants for this Shull Fellowship competition should have a PhD degree conferred on or after October 1, 2006.

For more information and to apply online: http://neutrons.ornl.gov/shullfellowship
Applications will be accepted until December 13, 2009.

Bob Martin
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PO BOX 2008 MS6478
Neutron Sciences Directorate Human Resources Team
Building 8600, MS 6478, Room C-458
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6478
(865) 241-2950
(865) 241-6660 (fax)
martinrg at sns.gov<mailto:martinrg at sns.gov>

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