[Neutron] First announcement TICnTOF

MADER Alison mader at ill.fr
Fri Sep 25 14:47:11 CEST 2009

We  announce the Workshop "Trends in Cold Neutron Time-Of-Flight 
spectrometer" (TICnTOF) will be held at the Institut Laue-Langevin, 
Grenoble, France  26 - 28 November 2009.


The most recent breakthrough in the field of time-of-flight spectroscopy 
is the expanding use of large area position sensitive detectors (PSD). 
The improved count-rate and angular acceptance  opens new fields of 
investigation and reinforces the traditional strengths of the 
cold-neutron high resolution instruments also adding potential for 
installing specialized sample environements and  polarisation analysis.

This multidisciplinary meeting proposes to gather the community and the 
instrument scientists working with CNTOF to share their recent 
experience and to discuss the scientific prospects and opportunities 
offered by these new instruments, especially with the new feature of PSD 
detectors. The programme will include instrumental and sample 
environment developments, data acquisition

and treatment as well as an outlook on recent cutting edge experiments 
coming up on CNTOF instruments.


- Instrumentation

- Detector development

- Sample environment equipment (polarization analysis, high fields and 
pressures, ...)

- Data analysis and software techniques

- Cutting-edge experiments using PSDs (single crystal,...)

- ...

Key note speakers (to be completed)

Radu Coldea (UK)

Bruno Guerard (France)

Kenji Nakajima (Japan)

Toby Perring (UK)

Margarita Russina (Germany)

Ross Stewart (UK)

Jörg Voigt (Germany)

Oliver Waldmann (Germany)

Dehong Yu (Australia)

Jean-Marc Zanotti (France)

Information and registration are available at the Worshop website:


The local organising committee:

Jacques Ollivier & Hannu Mutka

Secretary: Alison Mader

Contact e-mail: ticntof at ill.fr



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