[Neutron] LLB call for propoasals : deadline November 1st

Alain Menelle alain.menelle at cea.fr
Fri Oct 9 23:33:13 CEST 2009

In order to adapt the selection process of beam time request at 
LLB-Orphee to the evolution of the researcher job, we have done some 
modifications in the LLB call for proposal process.

To provide a faster answer to the beam time request, more synchronized 
with the needs of the researchers, we have changed our submissions 
deadlines which are now :

November 1st and May 1st

To provide a better coverage of the various scientific area requesting 
beam time on our spectrometers, we have now 5 selection committees 
instead of 4 :

I Chemical physics, biological systems
II Crystallographic and magnetic structures
III Magnetism: Single-crystal systems and thin layers
IV Disordered Systems, nanostructured materials and materials
V Excitations

Please use the new forms to submit your proposals before november 1st. 
They include this new classification.

You will find all the necessary informations on our next call on our Web 
page : http://www-llb.cea.fr/en/

Alain Menelle
Alain MENELLE, Laboratoire Leon Brillouin (CEA-CNRS)
CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Tel : 33-(0)1-69-08-96-99    alain.menelle at cea.fr
Fax : 33-(0)1-69-08-82-61    http://www-llb.cea.fr

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