[Neutron] X INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF NEUTRON SCATTERING“FRANCESCO PAOLO RICCI” : Electronvolt Neutron Spectroscopy of Materials: Microscopic Dynamics and Enabling Techniques

Roberto senesi roberto.senesi at roma2.infn.it
Fri Mar 26 11:57:14 CET 2010

Registration is open for the:
Electronvolt Neutron Spectroscopy of Materials: Microscopic Dynamics and 
Enabling Techniques

- Detailed information and registration:  

- E-mail contact: school_fpricci at me.cnr.it
- Starting date : 25 Sept 2010  Ending date:  4 Oct 2006
- Location of school : Villa Mondragone 
(http://www.villamondragone.it/),Monte Porzio Catone, Roma- Italy
-Registration deadline: 15 June 2010
- School Directors:
Dr. Roberto Senesi, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata  
Dipartimento di Fisica , Roma, Italy
Dr. Cirino Vasi, C.N. R.– Istituto per i Processi Chimico Fisici, 
Messina, Italy
- Lecturers:
M.    Adams    STFC- Chilton (UK)
F.    Aliotta    CNR-IPCF Messina (I)
I.    Anderson    Spallation Neutron Source -Oak Ridge (USA)
C.    Andreani    Univ. Roma Tor Vergata (I)
R.    Bedogni    INFN-LNF Frascati (I)
R.    Caciuffo    Institute for Transuranium Elements- Karlsruhe (D)
D.    Colognesi    CNR-ISC Firenze (I)
A.    Orecchini    Univ. Perugia (I)
G.    Festa    Univ. Roma Tor Vergata (I)
G.    Gorini    Univ. Milano Bicocca (I)
J.    Mayers    STFC- Chilton  (UK)
R.    McGreevy    STFC-Chilton (UK)
F.    Mezei    Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA)
J.    Morrone    Columbia University (USA)
F.    Natali    ILL Grenoble (F)
A.    Paciaroni    Univ. Perugia (I)
E.    Perelli    Univ. Milano Bicocca (I)
A.    Pietropaolo    CNISM-Roma Tor Vergata (I)
R.    Ponterio    CNR-IPCF Messina (I)
R.    Pynn    Univ. Indiana - Bloomington (USA)
G.    Reiter    Univ. Houston (USA)
N.    Rhodes    STFC-Chilton (UK)
M.     Russina    Helmoltz Centrum- Berlin (D)
G.    Salvato    CNR-IPCF Messina (I)
E.    Schooneveld    STFC-Chilton (UK)
M.    Tardocchi    CNR-IFP Milano (I)
D.    Tresoldi    CNR-IPCF Messina (I)

- Aim of the School

This school, established in 1994, is primarily addressed to graduate
students or postdoctoral with an interest in Neutron Scattering. The 
School will comprise lectures, tutorials, practicals and hands-on data 
analysis sessions, covering diverse aspects of Neutron Scattering, but 
with an emphasis on techniques and instrumentation designed to study the 
:  Microscopic Dynamics of Simple and Hydrogen-bonded Quantum Fluids, 
Quantum Momentum Distributions, Effective Born-Oppenheimer Potentials, 
High Energy Excitations, High Energy Neutron Imaging, Deep Inelastic 
neutron scattering , High Energy Neutron Irradiation Effects

The School will start on Saturday, September 25th 2010, with a series of 
in introductory lectures covering the fundamental aspects of neutron 
scattering and neutron instrumentation. During the next days, a series 
of lectures will provide the basis of electronvolt neutron spectroscopy, 
with particular on new instrumental and data handling techniques.
Practicals will be carried out at the neutron at BTF pulsed neutron source 
at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati – INFN.
At the end of the school, students  are invited to attend the 
International workshop: “High-energy neutrons for science and society “, 
which will be held on October 5th and 6th 2010 at Villa Wolkonsky, the 
UK ambassador’s residence in Rome.

Best Regards

Roberto Senesi


Roberto Senesi

Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata

Dipartimento di Fisica

roberto.senesi at roma2.infn.it


fax: +39-06-2023507

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