[Neutron] 8th Canadian Powder Diffraction Workshop: 21-23 June, 2010

Swainson, Ian - NRC Ian.Swainson at nrc.gc.ca
Mon Apr 26 16:34:21 CEST 2010

The 8th Canadian Powder Diffraction Workshop to be held on Monday 21st to Wednesday 23rd of June, 2010.




Pavillon Ringuet

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Trois-Rivières, Québec




>>>>Registration Deadline: 1st June 2010



The first two days of this workshop concentrates on powder diffraction and Rietveld Analysis. The third day focuses on PDF (Pair Distribution Function)/Total Scattering analysis of amorphous, disordered, poorly crystalline or nano-crystalline materials.



The main theme of the workshop is in the fundamentals of using powder diffraction, and assisting participants in using the Rietveld method. Lectures on a variety of topics are planned for the morning, with the afternoon practical sessions concentrating on using GSAS for performing Rietveld analysis for structure refinement and quantitative phase analysis.



The third day of workshop is PDF (Pair Distribution Function) and

Total Scattering Analysis presented by Dr Thomas Proffen of Los

Alamos National Laboratory, USA




Travel and Location


Où se trouve Trois-Rivières?

Trois-Rivières is located roughly mid way between Montréal and Québec City. The most convenient airport is Dorval International Airport (now

called Montréal-Trudeau Airport) in Montréal; and is a 75 minute drive from Montréal and from Québec City.


Directions and travel hints are given at:  http://www.cins.ca/cpdw/travel.html


Venue information and accommodation options see:  http://www.cins.ca/cpdw/venue.html  and  http://www.cins.ca/cpdw/accomm.html


The cheapest accommodation option is a limited number of rooms are available on campus at UQTR. These consist of individual rooms with common kitchen, living room and bathroom. Cost for the duration of 2 nights on campus: CDN $120.




University-based* : CDN $300

Regular :                      CDN $450 


* = professor, post-doc, student


In addition to covering the cost of running the meeting and handouts, this also includes three breakfasts, three lunches, two dinners and taxes for each registrant.


Registration form is downloadable from the following webpage. Payment options include bill, credit card and cheque.




*****Registration deadline is 1st June 2010





Speakers and Organizers




Professor Jacques Huot (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)




 Robert Von Dreele (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)

 Angus Wilkinson (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

 Thomas Proffen (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

 Ian Swainson (National Research Council of Canada)

 Pamela Whitfield (National Research Council of Canada)

 Michael Ghargouri (National Research Council of Canada)








* Introduction to the basics of crystallography


* Introduction to Powder Diffraction and Powder Diffraction Hardware


* Sample preparation, data collection considerations and phase identification using powder X-ray diffraction


* Introduction to Powder Profile Refinement



* Profile Refinement with GSAS (two part talk)


* Neutrons 101: Introduction to neutron diffraction


* Synchrotron and Neutron Experiments



* Beyond the Bragg peaks or why do we care about total scattering?


* Measuring total scattering X-ray and neutron data: where and how?


* What to do with your PDF: Modeling of disordered structures




Brief Pictorial History of the Rietveld Method


On the logo webpage, a brief pictorial history of the Rietveld method is









A poster for the workshop is downloadable at:




If there are students and/or XRD users in your institute who might benefit from attending such a workshop, we would appreciate it if this were brought to their attention. Please download the poster and post on departmental notice boards if appropriate.


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