[Neutron] NeutronOptics and Photonic Science join forces !

Alan Hewat alan.hewat at neutronoptics.com
Tue Apr 27 17:44:39 CEST 2010

Patricia Tomkins (Photonic Science Ltd) and Alan Hewat (NeutronOptics
Grenoble) have signed an agreement that will allow NeutronOptics to
market sophisticated Photonic Science cameras, in addition to their
own neutron alignment cameras.

Photonic Science and NeutronOptics have already been working together
with ILL Grenoble to develop new types of CCD neutron detectors, most
recently the CYCLOPS "4pi" Laue diffractometer with an array of 16
cameras covering almost all scattering from a white neutron beam.
Photonic Science use such technology for other wide-angle imaging
applications, including ground and airborne surveillance, as well as
neutron and x-ray diffraction.

NeutronOptics' experience in diffraction, coupled with Photonic
Science's experience in cameras, should help address difficulties in
the commercial availability of large area neutron detectors that do
not depend on He3 supplies.

For further details, see: http://neutronoptics.com/news.html
Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<Alan.Hewat at NeutronOptics.com> +33.476.98.41.68

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