[Neutron] Positions available

Adrian Rennie Adrian.Rennie at fysik.uu.se
Thu Apr 29 10:17:10 CEST 2010

In addition to the post. doc. position for work on neutron 
reflectivity announced a couple of weeks ago, Uppsala University is 
recruiting to a more senior position as assistant Professor/Research 
Fellow for neutron reflection.  The posts support the activity with 
the super-ADAM reflectometer at the ILL, Grenoble, France.

Both positions are announced on the www:

1. Assistant Professor/Research 
Fellow                             Closing date 26 May 2010

2. Post. Doctoral 
researcher                                       Closing date 3 May 2010

Please bring these posts to the attention of suitable 
candidates.  The research interests can be in any of the fields in 
the Materials Physics group in Uppsala.   Information is available 
at: http://material.fysik.uu.se/ .

Best regards, Adrian Rennie

Professor Adrian R. Rennie
Dept. of Physics, Uppsala University
Box 530
751 21 Uppsala, Sweden

Tel. + 46 18 471 3596

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