[Neutron] NOBUGS registration is now open

Peterson, Peter F. petersonpf at ornl.gov
Thu Sep 2 17:41:05 CEST 2010

NOBUGS Registration is now open! Please register at the conference website.


>From the call for contributions:

The aim of theNOBUGS series of conferences is to foster collaboration between IT professionals working at X-ray and neutron sources around the world.

It is time for NOBUGS again. As at any NOBUGS we call for for presentations on the topics of:

    * Data Acquisition
    * Automatic Instrument Calibration
    * Data Management
    * Data Formats
    * Data Analysis
    * Data Visualization
    * Instrument Simulation
    * Automated Experiments and Data Collection
    * Grid Computing at Facilities
    * Graphical User Interfaces
    * WWW Application Development
    * Remote Control of Data Acquisition and Data Analysis Tasks
    * Programming Techniques
    * User Facility Management
    * Facility Security
    * Scientific Databases
    * Collaborative Initiatives

However, this time we try to do something different. We wish to put NOBUGS 2010 under the general theme "Best Practices". We want you to share your experiences. Thus we encourage you to enter presentations which follow the theme: this is what we tried, this is what we learned, this is what worked for us, this failed! A good example of what we are after is the talk given by Paul Lewis at NOBUGS 2006 in Sydney <http://www.nbi.ansto.gov.au/nobugs2008/talks/137.pdf>. We envisage that we will arrange contributions of this style into appropriate sessions  followed by a discussion in which we work out the best practices as a guide for newcomers and managers. The program committee will prefer presentations following this pattern.

The NOBUGS Program Committee

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