[Neutron] ILL/Computing for Science software pre-installed on a LiveDVD

Emmanuel FARHI farhi at ill.fr
Wed Sep 29 20:50:00 CEST 2010

Dear colleagues,

The Computing for Science group at the ILL <http://www.ill.eu/computing>
has built a custom LiveDVD which gathers some ILL related software to be
used for data analysis and simulation. It runs on all Intel/AMD based
computers and contains LAMP, nMoldyn, McStas, Matlab MFit/MView and GRASP,
FullProf, vTAS, ResTrax and SimRes, looktxt, idl2matlab as well as many
other scientific software.

These are pre-installed on the DVD-embedded Ubuntu system. Running it does
not affect your own computer system, and runs entirely from the DVD and in
the computer memory, You are free to install this DVD (an Install icon is
on the Desktop), aside your existing system (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux). The
DVD supports 64 bit architectures (that is more than 3 Gb of memory) and
multi-CPU systems (including clusters). Some Windows and MacOSX installers
are also available on the DVD (ILL_CS_Software directory).

You may burn the DVD from <ftp://ftp.ill.fr/pub/cs/ubuntu_cs>, where you
will find documentation, an ISO (3.7 Gb) and DVD cover documents.

Included software
  LAMP, nMoldyn, McStas, MFit/MView and GRASP, FullProf, vTAS, ResTrax,

as well as many other scientific/computing software
  C, C++ and Fortran compilers, Java, Python, Perl Tcl/Tk, MPICH,
  Python libs: Matplotlib, numpy, scientific, tk, numeric
  AbInit, Chemtool, Gelemental, Ghemical, Gperiodic,
  Gromacs, mopac, MPQC, PyMol, Rasmol, Viewmol
  Scilab, Octave, PerlDL, PGPLOT, netcdf, ncview, hdf4, hdf5, nexus, hdfview
  gimp, virtualbox and more...

   1. burn the DVD iso,
   2. reboot your computer,
   3. press Return at the 'boot:' prompt,
   4. then select 'Live CD session' (1st item in the menu) when the blue
splash shows up
   5. login as cs_guest without password
   6. use and/or install (requires at least a 10 Gb partition)
   7. or simply get the Windows and MacOSX installers in the DVD
ILL_CS_Software directory

   1. The Network proxy is set to <proxy.ill.fr> for use at the ILL.
Change it from menu System/Preferences/Network Proxy
   2. To run LAMP with iTools, you will need to install an additional
package from <http://packages.debian.org/stable/base/libstdc++5>.

FARHI Emmanuel <farhi at ill.fr>
Groupe DS/CS, ILL4/156, Tel 04 76 20 71 35
ILL, Grenoble

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