[Neutron] NASCES11 registration procedure via website

fujio maekawa maekawa.fujio at jaea.go.jp
Mon Nov 29 11:26:56 CET 2010

Dear colleagues,

Official website of NASCES11 (Neutron Application for Strongly
Correlated Electron Systems 2011) is now open to accept registration
and abstracts.  Please submit your abstract by Dec. 10 via website
following the procedure below.

1. Visit NASCES website (http://j-parc.jp/MatLife/en/meetings/NASCES/)
and proceed to "Registration".
2. Go to "ID Application" and get your ID and password.
3. Log in to the system.
4. Proceed to "Registration" and "Submission for Abstract/File"
(Abstract template is available from the website.)

Hotel reservation is also available through this system.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Tokai.

Sincerely yours,
Program chair  Shuichi Wakimoto
Conference Chair  Masatoshi Arai

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