[Neutron] First Announcement - Course on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology

Meilleur, Flora meilleurf at ornl.gov
Wed Dec 15 22:49:43 CET 2010

First Announcement:

Second Course on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology
Oak Ridge, TN. May 23 - May 27, 2011

Application deadline: March 11, 2011

The Course in Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology aims at educating and enabling a new generation of researcher to fully exploit the latest instrumentation and software development at the SNS and HFIR facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Attendees will participate in an intensive course focusing on neutron techniques used in structural biology. The course is designed for graduate students with knowledge of protein function and structure, new or with limited experience of neutron scattering.

Course Objectives:

 1.  Educate graduate students in neutron scattering techniques, instrumentation and data collection, analysis and interpretation by offering courses taught by neutron scattering scientist.
 2.  Expose participants to cutting-edge research in structural biology by presenting seminars from national and international scientists to detail how neutron scattering integrate in their research program.
 3.  Build interactions between graduate participants and their university groups and ORNL neutron scattering experts to develop new research projects.
Detailed information will be available shortly on the course web page: http://neutrons.ornl.gov/conf/gcnb2011.
Information on the 2010 course can be found at:  http://neutrons.ornl.gov/conf/gcnb2010.

The application package consisting of 1) Information form, 2) CV, 3) Applicant motivation letter (1/2 to 1 page), 4) Principal Investigator letter of support (1/2 to 1 page), should be sent electronically to meilleurf at ornl.gov<mailto:meilleurf at ornl.gov> before March 11, 2011.
Travel and accommodation expenses are supported for selected participants from the United States. International applications are welcome. However the course organization will not be able to offer travel or accommodation support.

The number of participants will be limited to 15. Attendance to the course is free of charge for all selected participants.

Best Regards,

Flora Meilleur
Assistant Professor
Molecular & Structural Biochemistry
N C State University
& Neutron Scattering Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Phone: 865-241-2897
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