[Neutron] Workshop on: "X-Rays and Neutrons in Energy-Related Materials Science"

SUARD Emmanuelle suard at ill.fr
Thu Jan 6 10:52:10 CET 2011

/Dear colleague,

/We would like to draw your attention on a workshop that may be of
interest for you:

/Workshop on: "X-Rays and Neutrons in Energy-Related Materials Science"
("Energy" workshop),
7 - 8 - 9 February 2011
This Workshop will include a series of  invited lectures by 
internationally recognized specialists covering the progress in the 
analysis by X-rays and neutrons of the properties of materials for 
energy conversion, harvesting, storage and economy. There will be a 
particular focus on materials for batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen 
storage, light weight materials, and photovoltaic, solid state lighting 
and thermoelectricity.


/For further details, please visit the workshop webpage: 


This Workshop will be held as a companion meeting of the 2011 ESRF Users'
Meeting & Associated Workshops, which will be hosted at the ESRF
between 7 - 11 February 2011. This General meeting (including a PLENARY
MEETING on February 8 - 9) will provide, in addition, an opportunity for
scientists interested in cutting-edge research to discuss the most recent
advances in science using synchrotron radiation and to learn about the
progress of the ESRF Upgrade Programme. 

We look forward to meeting you during the Energy Workshop and 2011 Users'

Best regards,

The organizing committee/

Dr Emmanuelle Suard, ILL, Diffraction group, D2B responsible, EASY ACCESS for Powder diffraction
Phone +33/ (0)4 76 20 71 64
email: suard at ill.eu

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