[Neutron] 17 T horizontal field available for neutron scattering in Europe

Ted Forgan ted.forgan at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 18:20:52 CET 2011

 Dear neutron scatterers - especially SANS or reflectometry users,

    We have recently commissioned an EPSRC-funded 17 T horizontal-field
cryomagnet designed to give +/- 11 deg (relative to the field axis)
scattering angle through sapphire windows and a sample region in vacuum
with temperature = 1.6 to 300 K. Alternatively,  with a different bore, the
sample may be at atmospheric pressure with its temperature controlled at
values close to 300 K. The cryomagnet is transportable to European sources
and has been used at ILL so far, but other venues are planned. We are happy
to make this unique facility available to other users on a collaborative
basis - for instance, for work on magnetic materials or nanostructures,
superconductors, or the alignment of mesoscopic objects in fluid suspension.
An ILL proposal deadline is approaching, and if you would like to suggest a
collaboration there (or elsewhere) please contact one of us for further

"Ted Forgan" <E.M.Forgan at bham.ac.uk>,

"Alex Holmes" < a.t.holmes at bham.ac.uk>,

"Elizabeth Blackburn" <e.blackburn at bham.ac.uk>,
Prof. E.M. (Ted) Forgan
School of Physics & Astronomy
University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT, U.K.
E.M.Forgan at bham.ac.uk
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