[Neutron] LANSCE User Program Headlines-Proposal Call 2011

Aundrea R. Espinosa aundrea at lanl.gov
Fri Jan 28 01:09:55 CET 2011

January 27,2011



We bring to your attention LANSCE’s proposal call

LANSCE – Nuclear Science:
LANSCE is accepting proposals for Nuclear Science and ICE House experiments for the run cycle scheduled to begin in June 2011. The deadline for submitting proposals is 6:00 p.m. (1800) Mountain Standard Time, Wednesday, March 9, 2011. 

Successful proposals will be scheduled during the period from June through Mid-December 2011 and from January through the end of February 2012. 
Proposals must be submitted through the LANSCE website. Only proposals submitted on-line will be accepted.  To access the proposal submission site, log onto the LANSCE home page (http://lansce.lanl.gov).  On this page click the link located on the left “WNR” proposal call. This will take you to the on-line submission system.

LANSCE – 1st Call for Lujan Neutron Scattering Center Proposals:

Proposal call is open for beam time at the LANSCE -Lujan Neutron Scattering Center, for the run cycle scheduled to begin in June 2011. The deadline for submitting the proposals is 6:00 p.m. (18:00) Mountain Standard Time, Wednesday, March 16, 2011.   Successful proposals will be scheduled during the period June through September 2011. Fast access proposals will be accepted throughout, but require compelling evidence of sufficient scientific urgency to justify scheduling.

Proposals must be submitted through the LANSCE website. Only proposals submitted on-line will be accepted.  To access the proposal submission site, log onto the LANSCE home page (http://lansce.lanl.gov).  On this page click the link located on the left “Lujan Center’ first call. This will take you to the on-line submission system.
LANSCE-Lujan Center will have a second call for proposals in June and notifications will be sent of the start date.


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