[Neutron] ESS Science Symposia

Axel Steuwer axel.steuwer at esss.se
Wed Mar 16 06:15:47 CET 2011

Dear Colleagues

The ESS invites the European Neutron User Community to organise and host 
a series of workshops under the series title "/ESS Science Symposia/" 
that focus on the scientific opportunities and challenges for research 
with neutrons at ESS. The ESS Science Symposia should focus on the 
science that will be enabled by ESS's superior neutron brilliance and 
novel time structure. The workshops should discuss a specific 
community's requirements for neutron scattering instrumentation as well 
as supporting facilities, laboratories and sample environments.It is 
encouraged that Symposia focus around scientific themes or areas as 
opposed to types of instrumentation or particular techniques.
Please find attached the Call for Proposals and General Guidelines.

For more information, please look us up on 
or contact us on 'symposia at esss.se'

Best regards

Axel Steuwer
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