[Neutron] Post-doctoral position in neutron optics research at the MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory

Boris Khaykovich bkh at mit.edu
Mon Mar 21 22:19:24 CET 2011

Post-doctoral position in neutron optics research at the MIT Nuclear
Reactor Laboratory.

Our group at MIT has a post-doctoral position opening in neutron
optics research.  Experience and interest in neutron (or x-ray)
scattering methods and instrumentation are important prerequisites for
this position.  MIT has a long history of groundbreaking research in
neutron science and currently several faculty members are involved in
both applications of neutron scattering and neutron instrumentation.
Recently we have demonstrated neutron beam focusing by axisymmetric
mirror systems based on a pair of mirrors consisting of a confocal
ellipsoid and hyperboloid
(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2010.11.110).  Such a system, known
as a Wolter mirror configuration, is commonly used in x-ray

This position would emphasize the development of these novel optics
for neutron applications such as SANS and imaging, with special
interest in improving the performance of instruments at Spallation
Neutron Source (SNS). The successful candidate will design and
optimize focusing optics for particular neutron instruments, using
both ray-tracing simulations and measurements of test mirrors. The
design includes modeling and measurements of the effects of figure
errors and surface roughness. (The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory has
a new neutron spectrometer with an optics test station, which is used
in the neutron optics research program.) The opportunity will exist to
use the new mirrors for neutron experiments at SNS or other
facilities, especially for SANS and imaging. This project is conducted
in collaboration with the x-ray optics group at NASA and with
scientists at SNS.

Contact: 	Dr. Boris Khaykovich   bkh at mit.edu

Boris Khaykovich, PhD
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Phone: +617-253-2861
e-mail: bkh at mit.edu

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