[Neutron] deadline extension of ICNX2011

Chih-Hao Lee chlee at mx.nthu.edu.tw
Thu Apr 14 19:22:09 CEST 2011

Dear Colleagues, 

This is a reminder that the deadline of abstract submission for the
ICNX2011- (International Conference of Neutron and X-ray scattering 2011)
was extended to end of April (for oral presentation) and May 20 (for poster
presentation only). In addition, the registration fee is reduced to USD200. 

ICNX2011 will be held in National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, on
June 27-July 1. This conference will bring scientists from neutron
scattering and X-ray scattering communities together to discuss about the
complementary way of studying advanced materials. The program will include
sessions on soft matter, magnetism, industrial applications, instrumentation
and methods. An excursion to visit the neutron research reactor and
synchrotron radiation facilities in Hsinchu will be arranged also.  

For more information please look at  <http://www2>
http://www2.ess.nthu.edu.tw/ICNX2011 or contact:

Professor Chih-Hao Lee, chlee at mx.nthu.edu.tw; Phone: (+)886-35715131ext

National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.


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