[Neutron] Inside NMI3 - Focus on Joint Research Activities, Highlights from our Access Programme, News from around the World...

Juliette Savin Juliette.Savin at frm2.tum.de
Fri Jul 8 11:21:38 CEST 2011

The first issue of NMI3´s brand new newsletter Inside NMI3 is available to
download at:   <hxxp://neutron.neutron-eu.net/n_news>


In this first issue of Inside NMI3, you will find reports on recent research
carried out thanks to our Access Programme, updates on two of NMI3´s Joint 

Research Activities, a list of forthcoming schools and general news from the
neutron and muon worlds. Please see the table of content at the foot of this


We hope that you enjoy reading Inside NMI3 and welcome any feedback.  Please
email us with comments at  <mailto:info at nmi3.eu> info at nmi3.eu



The NMI3 Coordination Team


Inside NMI3
issue 1 July 2011



Focus on Joint Research Activities

Neutron Optics



Highlights from our Access Programme

Using muons to measure spin polarisation in organic spin-based devices

Control of electron flow and magnetism in atomically thin metaloxides

Neutron scattering in characterisation of magnetic fluids for anticancer

Vacant crystal sites provide valuable clues on the fast hydrogen transport
in Mg-Ti-H films

Inelastic neutron scattering reveals interaction between cobalt ions


Schools & Workshops


Foresight studies


News from Around the World


Coordination & Management





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