[Neutron] Announcement of the J-PARC/MLF user program for the 2011B term

fujio maekawa maekawa.fujio at jaea.go.jp
Tue Jul 19 06:51:56 CEST 2011

*Announcement of the J-PARC/MLF user program for the 2011B term*

*The East-Japan Great Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011 has caused
considerable damage to the J-PARC facility, and we are making every
effort for recovery with a prospect of resuming beam delivery at MLF by
January 2012.***

*With this provisional schedule in mind, call for proposals on neuron
and muon experiment program at the J-PARC/MLF for the second half term
of FY2011 (2011B) opens on July 17, 2011. Users wishing to conduct
experiments at MLF, including those for "public" neutron beam lines
maintained by CROSS, are encouraged to submit proposals via the
web-based "J-PARC proposal system".***

*1. Overview of MLF use*

General information concerning the use of MLF such as access modes,
types and categories of proposals, application and reviewing, procedures
for conducting experiment are shown in the following web-site.


*2.**Period of 2011B term (schedule)*

**Acceptedproposals will be scheduled within the period from February to
March, 2012


*3. Eligibility*

**Applicants must belong to a legal organization or entity that may be
any of the following:

- Public or private colleges, universities, and institutions of higher

- Public or not-for-profit research organizations

- Private companies

Applicants belonging to the following parties are subject to the
approval of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology - Japan (MEXT).

- Parties listed in the end user list of the Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry - Japan (METI)

- Parties not contracting to the treaty on the Nuclear Nonproliferation
Treaty (NPT).**

*4. Deadline for submission***

August 7, 2011, 17:00 (JST)

*5. Application procedure*

**Applicants are requested to submit proposals electronically through
the J-PARC proposal system (hxxps://gamusha1.j-parc.jp/j-pas/auth/menu.jsp).


*6. Available instruments*

**Neutron and muon instruments available for users' program are as
follows. Please visit the following web-site.


For more details on the instruments, please consult with "Contact
person" listed below. Proton beam power available for experiments is
expected to be about 100 kW or more.

(1) Neutron instruments



Name of instrument


Contact person



4D Space Access Neutron Spectrometer



Ryoichi Kajimoto

TEL: +81-29-219-5300

E-mail: r_kajimoto at cross.or.jp




Biomolecular Dynamics Spectrometer (DNA)


Kaoru Shibata

TEL: +81-29-219-5300

E-mail: k_shibata at cross.or.jp



IBARAKI Biological Crystal Diffractometer (iBIX)


Ichiro Tanaka

TEL: +81-294-38-7093

E-mail: i.tanaka at mx.ibaraki.ac.jp



Accurate Neutron-Neucleus Reaction

Measurement Instrument (ANNRI)


Hideo Harada

TEL: +81-29-282-6789

E-mail: harada.hideo at jaea.go.jp



Super High Resolution Powder Diffractometer



Takashi Kamiyama

TEL: +81-29-284-4876

E-mail: takashi.kamiyama at kek.jp



NeutrOn Beam-line for Observation

and Research Use (NOBORU)


Fujio Maekawa

TEL: +81-29-282-6217

E-mail: maekawa.fujio at jaea.go.jp



High Resolution Chopper Spectrometer (HRC)


Shinichi Itoh

TEL: +81-29-284-4451

E-mail: shinichi.itoh at kek.jp

Taku Sato

TEL: +81-29-287-8905

E-mail: taku at issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp



Cold-Neutron Disk-Chopper

Spectrometer (AMATERAS)


Kenji Nakajima

TEL: +81-29-282-6936

E-mail: kenji.nakajima at j-parc.jp




Smaller-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument (TAIKAN)


Jun-ichi Suzuki

TEL: +81-29-219-5300

E-mail: j_suzuki at cross.or.jp



Soft Interface Analyzer (SOFIA)


Norifumi Yamada

TEL: +81-29-284-4274

E-mail: yamadan at post.kek.jp




Polarized Neutron Reflectometer with Vertical Sample Geometry (SHARAKU)


Masayasu Takeda

TEL: +81-29-284-3423

E-mail: takeda.masayasu at jaea.go.jp



Engineering Materials Diffractometer (TAKUMI)


Kazuya Aizawa

TEL: +81-29-284-3744

E-mail: aizawa.kazuya at jaea.go.jp



IBARAKI Materials Design Diffractometer



Toru Ishigaki

TEL: +81-29-352-3231

E-mail: toru.ishigaki at j-parc.jp



High Intensity Total Diffractometer (NOVA)


Toshiya Otomo

TEL: +81-29-284-4333

E-mail: toshiya.otomo at j-parc.jp

- Accepted proposals from universities or academic institutions to use
any KEK neutron instruments (BL08, BL12, BL16, BL21) will be supported
by the KEK inter-university research program. Those from private
companies are requested to contact with the address shown below before

- For the instrument (BL21) proposals on research of hydrogen storage
materials are applicable.

- Specific program for the instruments (BL03, BL20) conducted by Ibaraki
Prefecture is called separately. Please contact the following

IBARAKI Prefecture Office, IBARAKI Quantum Beam Research Center

TEL: +81-29-352-3301

for more details.

- For the public instruments (BL01, BL02, BL15, BL17) CROSS calls for
proposals via the web-based "J-PARC proposal system" in common with MLF
according to this guide.

Please visit the following web-site.


for more details.

(2) Muon Instrument



Name of instrument


Contact person



D1 instrument


Yasuhiro Miyake

TEL: +81-29-284-4624

E-mail: yasuhiro.miyake at kek.jp



D2 instrument


Yasuhiro Miyake

TEL: +81-29-284-4624

E-mail: yasuhiro.miyake at kek.jp

Accepted proposals from universities or academic institutions to use any
KEK muon instruments (D1, D2) will be supported by the KEK
inter-university research program. Those from private companies are
requested to contact with the address shown below before application.

*7. Status of MLF*

Commissioning of both existing and newly-installed instruments will be
started as soon as the accelerators and neutron sources are operational
again. Detailed information on beam time, beam power, the status of each
instrument will be delivered on time. Although J-PARC is doing its
utmost to start all instruments as scheduled, there is uncertainty over
when neutron and muon beam will return to service and when heavily
damaged instruments will be ready. Your understanding would be greatly


*8. Contact address*

J-PARC Center Users Office

(1) Non-proprietary research

IBARAKI Quantum Beam Research Center,

162-1 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan

TEL: +81-29-284-3398

FAX: +81-29-284-3286

E-mail: j_proposal at ml.j-parc.jp

(2) Proprietary research

2-4 Shirakata Shirane, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan

TEL: +81-29-284-3586

FAX: +81-29-282-5996

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