[Neutron] Press release: Switzerland joins ESS collaboration

Marianne Ekdahl marianne.ekdahl at esss.se
Wed Sep 21 15:13:04 CEST 2011

Switzerland joins ESS collaboration

Switzerland has now formally joined the international ESS collaboration. Through signing the multinational Memorandum of Understanding, Switzerland will now take part in the project planning for and the design of the future research facility European Spallation Source.

The signature has taken place in a ceremony close to Zürich and the Paul Scherrer Institute, where the federal Swiss State-Secretary for Education and Research Mauro Dell’Ambrogio signed the Memorandum of Understanding. The ceremony was held at the occasion of the 8th meeting of the ESS Steering Committee, held on Monday and Tuesday. In the Steering Committee the 17 ESS Partner Countries are represented.

- With Switzerland signing the Memorandum, the engagement in ESS from European governments is further strengthened, which gives us a very stable ground for the European collaboration on ESS, says Lars Börjesson, Chairman of the ESS Steering Committee.

The Memorandum of Understanding “An International Collaboration regarding the European Spallation Source” provides the base for the participation of the Partner Countries in the Pre-Construction Phase of the ESS, the next generation neutron source for materials research and life science. The Memorandum will be complemented later on by agreements detailing the participation of the respective Partner Countries.

- For the ESS project, the Swiss participation in the Pre-Construction work means that we can benefit from the vast Swiss experience in neutron science and from building and operating an accelerator-based spallation source, says Colin Carlile, the ESS Director-General.

Through signing the Memorandum, Switzerland will participate in the project planning and design work that will result in a final technical design for ESS, the building-up of the future ESS organisation and eventually an international convention.

The Swiss contribution to the ESS will be provided by the Paul Scherrer Institute in collaboration with industrial and university partners. Through PSI, Switzerland will contribute with design work and project planning for the ESS target station and several instruments. The instrument R&D and design work will be done in collaboration with scientists in Denmark.

The PSI is the largest research institute in Switzerland, building and operating several large-scale research facilities. One of them is the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source, SINQ, which is one of four accelerator-based spallation sources currently in operation around the world.

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