[Neutron] Novel target station concept a milestone in the technical design of ESS

Marianne Ekdahl marianne.ekdahl at esss.se
Fri Oct 21 11:32:05 CEST 2011

Novel target station concept a milestone in the technical design of ESS

ESS has decided to use tungsten as target station material in the future research facility European Spallation Source. The decision is a milestone in the technical design of ESS, and will secure the best scientific performance combined with minimum environmental impact.

The current decision means that the ESS baseline design is a rotating target made of the metal tungsten, which is a novel concept, but based on international experience. It will now be the base for the final ESS technical design, to be completed in early 2013. The decision is based on detailed studies of several materials and concepts, to which a large number of international scientists have contributed.

- The choice of target conceptual design is probably the most important single decision in the technical design of ESS, says Patrik Carlsson, ESS Machine Director. This choice means that we will can reach a very high performance, excellent scientific opportunities and fulfill environmental safety requirements comparatively easy.

ESS will be a research facility where neutrons are use for the scientific study of organic and inorganic materials. The neutrons are produced in the target station, and the design of the target station is therefore of vital importance to the future scientific opportunities at ESS. Since ESS will be the most powerful neutron source ever constructed, the design of the target is based on a significant amount of R&D and the assembled knowledge of a large number of experts worldwide.

- I am particularly pleased that the decision will make an important contribution to minimising the environmental impact of ESS. Reducing the environmental impact has been one of our main selection criteria, says Colin Carlile, ESS Director-General. I see it as natural for a modern large-scale laboratory to take responsibility for making research sustainable.

The decision has been taken by the ESS AB Board of Directors and by the representatives from the 17 Partner Countries in the ESS Steering Committee, on the basis of work performed by ESS and the ESS collaboration partner laboratories. The new target station design replaces the 2002/2003 ESS technical design based on a liquid mercury target. Other alternatives, which have been studied, are for example pure lead in liquid form and a mixture of lead and bismuth.

Frequently Asked Questions about the decision:

See the ESS web site: hxxp://www.ess-scandinavia.eu


Marianne Ekdahl
Communications Officer
- Press & Politics
European Spallation Source ESS AB

E-mail: marianne.ekdahl at esss.se
Phone: +46 (0) 46 222 83 89
SMS: +46 (0) 761 33 33 97

International web page: www . ess-scandinavia . eu
Swedish web page: www . ess-scandinavia . se

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