[Neutron] Five open positions at LNS/LDM - Paul Scherrer Institut/Switzerland

SINQ sinq at psi.ch
Fri Nov 18 08:46:07 CET 2011

Switzerland is a partner of the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden. This next generation neutron source will be operational with its first instruments in 2019. 

The Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and the Laboratory for Developments and Methods at PSI as partners in the Swiss-Danish ESS++ instrumentation consortium are opening the following Post-Doc positions:

in Small Angle Neutron Scattering
High-performance Instruments for the ESS: Bio-SANS

in Reflectometry
High-performance Instruments for the ESS: Elliptical Reflectometer

in Spectroscopy 
High-performance Instruments for the ESS: Extreme Environment Spectrometer

in Diffraction
High-performance Instruments for the ESS: Hybrid-Diffractometer TIPSI

in Neutron Optics
development of neutron focusing/polarizing optics

For further information please contact: 

Christian Rüegg
Head of Laboratory for Neutron Scattering
Christian.Rueegg at psi.ch

Michel Kenzelmann
Head of Laboratory for Development and Methods
Michel.Kenzelmann at psi.ch


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