[Neutron] Job opening: Director, Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Ekkebus, Allen E. ekkebusae at ornl.gov
Tue Oct 9 14:50:34 CEST 2012

Oak Ridge National Laboratory is accepting applications for the position of Division Director, for the Neutron Data Analysis and Visualization Division
Application deadline: October 19th 2012
With the world's most intense pulsed accelerator-based neutron source and the highest flux reactor-based neutron source (the High Flux Isotope Reactor), ORNL has become a world
leading center for neutron science. Research at these facilities encompasses the physical, chemical, materials, biological, and medical sciences and will provide opportunities for up to 2,000 visiting researchers each year from industry, research facilities, and universities all over the world. To learn more about Neutron Sciences at ORNL go to: http://neutrons.ornl.gov .

Enhanced capabilities in neutron data reduction, analysis, management, modeling, simulation and visualization are critical to the scientific success of these major user facilities. The NDAV Division focuses specifically on these challenges and opportunities.

Job Duties and Responsibilities:

*         Lead the development, implementation and support of production-quality capabilities for reduction, analysis, management, modeling, simulation and visualization of experimental data.

*         Provide seamless integration of these capabilities and services with those provided by other NScD divisions.

*         Integrate user input in system design and implementation, and clearly communicate capabilities with a broad and diverse base of stakeholders.

*         Partner and collaborate with other ORNL organizations and with other appropriate US and international facilities, to provide internally-recognized leadership in supporting data requirements for user science.

*         Execute line management responsibilities including supervision of group leaders, budget and business plan preparation, salary planning, staff recruitment and development, employee relations, and performance management; may include supervision of staff matrixed from other ORNL directorates.

*         Assume the responsibilities of Associate Lab Director in his/her absence as requested.

*         Represent the SNS before review committees, advisory committees, and visitors; and at conferences, workshops, invited talks/lectures, and technical meetings.
Serve as a member of external review teams, editorial boards, advisory committees, and/or conference organizing committees.

*         Maintain a strong commitment to the implementation and perpetuation of values and ethics in the work environment.

*         Ensure compliance with, and leadership for, environmental, safety, health, and quality program requirements.

The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in an appropriate science subject with at least 10 years of experience working in a multi-disciplinary research organization and at least 5 years of experience managing at a group or division level. It is expected that the candidate will demonstrate the experience and vision needed to advance the management and analysis of data supporting forefront experimental research. The successful candidate must have demonstrated ability to work with a broad spectrum of people in a research environment. Candidates must have excellent written and verbal communication skills and enjoy working in a team environment, with the collaboration of all levels, disciplines, and diverse cultural backgrounds of the organization.

For a complete job description and to formally apply, please visit http://jobs.ornl.gov.  For more information, contact Kate Carter, Recruiter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate, 865-310-0553, carterka at ornl.gov<mailto:carterka at ornl.gov>.

Allen E. Ekkebus
Neutron Sciences Directorate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1 Bethel Valley Road, 8600, Room B-410
P.O. Box 2008, MS 6477
Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6477
Telephone: (865) 241-5644       FAX: (865) 576-3041

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