[Neutron] ENSA Neutron Instrumentation and Innovation Award -- call for nominations

Lambert van Eijck - TNW L.vanEijck at tudelft.nl
Wed Mar 6 19:34:04 CET 2019

Dear all,

The inaugural 2019 Neutron Instrumentation and Innovation Award sponsored by Mirrotron.

The European Neutron Scattering Association<http://www.neutrons-ensa.eu/> hereby announce the inauguration of a new prize, the Neutron Instrumentation and Innovation Award. The prize will be awarded to an early career scientist or engineer in recognition of ground-breaking contributions in neutron instrumentation or method innovation, thereby enabling advances in neutron science and technology. This includes realization of new neutron instruments, pioneering of neutron science in new fields of applications, invention of new neutron techniques or development of new analysis methods and software, as well as other major contributions enabling advancement of neutron science. Early career typically means 3-10 years after a PhD, but both younger and more senior candidates may be considered. The prize amount (2’072 CHF) is generously sponsored by the company Mirrotron, a leading manufacturer of neutron instrumentation components. The Prize will awarded biennially (synchronized with the European or international Neutron Scattering Conferences).

The inaugural award of the Neutron Instrumentation and Innovation Award will be made at a special ceremony at the European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS 2019<http://ecns2019.com/>), the 1st to 5th July in Saint Petersburg in Russia. The detailed guidelines of the Neutron Instrumentation and Innovation Award are listed on the ENSA web pages (http://www.neutrons-ensa.eu<http://www.neutrons-ensa.eu/>).

Call for Nominations

European scientists as individuals or on behalf of a Division, Section or Group may submit nominations for the 2019 Neutron Instrumentation and Innovation Award of the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA). Nominations should include a nomination letter motivating the award, a brief curriculum vitae of the candidate, a description or publication describing the nominated work. Letters of support may be included. Nominations for the Prize will be treated in confidence and although they will be acknowledged, there will be no further communication.


Nominations should be sent before 31st of May 2019 to the President of the Selection Committee, preferably by electronic mail in pdf format:

Professor Henrik M. Rønnow

Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM<https://lqm.epfl.ch/>)

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL<https://www.epfl.ch/>)

1015 Lausanne


Email: henrik.ronnow at epfl.ch<mailto:henrik.ronnow at epfl.ch>

kind regards,

Lambert van Eijck - on behalf of the European Neutron Scattering Association ENSA

[cid:part7.878D1A94.BE3B1339 at tudelft.nl]
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