[Neutron] Greeting from J-PARC Symposium (J-PARC2019)

KAWAKITA Yukinobu yukinobu.kawakita at j-parc.jp
Mon May 20 03:24:11 CEST 2019

Greeting from J-PARC Symposium (J-PARC2019) 

We would like to draw your attentions to J-PARC Symposium (J-PARC2019) which will be held at Tsukuba International Congress Center (Tsukuba Epochal) from 23rd to 26th September, 2019. This is the 3rd international symposium. The series of this symposium started in 2009 when the first beam of J-PARC appeared and has been held every five years so that we will celebrate 10-years anniversary of J-PARC in this 3rd symposium. 
We would like to take this opportunity to collectively discuss the results from a decade of J-PARC operation together with the achievements from relevant facilities all over the world for the future direction of the science. 
The registration and abstract submission are now opened. 
Please visit the following site. 

Best regards, 

Chair of J-PARC2019  Naohito Saito
Scientific Secretary of J-PARC 219  Yukinobu Kawakita

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