[Neutron] Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data School Registration

Calder, Stuart A. caldersa at ornl.gov
Fri Jun 28 15:29:48 CEST 2019

A school providing hands-on training for "Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data" will be run on-site at ORNL from October 21-23, 2019.

Registration is now open until July 17th at the schools website https://conference.sns.gov/event/176/

About the School

The school will provide hands-on training on how to determine magnetic structures from powder and single-crystal neutron data. The techniques of representational analysis and magnetic space groups will be introduced and used in a series of examples.

This school is a mini version of the Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data (Magstr) school and will be held at ORNL on the three days prior to the Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference, also held at ORNL that week. (https://conference.sns.gov/event/78/)

Lectures and hands-on tutorial sessions will cover:

  1.  Symmetry analysis using representation theory and the SARAh program
  2.  Magnetic space groups using the Bilbao Crystallographic Server
  3.  Refinement strategies using the FullProf Suite
  4.  Magnetic structure determination from powder (constant wavelength and time-of-flight data) and single-crystal data (constant wavelength)

The school is intended for graduate students, postdocs, and research scientists who have a working knowledge of crystallographic refinement and will benefit from incorporating the techniques of magnetic structure determination from neutron diffraction into their research. FullProf software will be used for hands-on examples. (https://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof/)

***** Registration is free, but acceptance to the school is granted on a competitive and limited basis. The closing date for registering is July 17th. *****

Acceptance to the school is based on information provided when registering. Applicants will be notified by the end of July if they are accepted. Those accepted are expected to arrange for their own travel and accommodations.

Workshop Organizers

  *   Stuart Calder (caldersa at ornl.gov<mailto:garleao at ornl.gov>)
  *   Ovidiu Garlea (garleao at ornl.gov<mailto:garleao at ornl.gov>)
  *   Huibo Cao (caoh at ornl.gov<mailto:chakoumakobc at ornl.gov>)
  *   Clarina dela Cruz (delacruzcr at ornl.gov<mailto:delacruzcr at ornl.gov>)
Stuart Calder
Diffraction Group, Neutron Scattering Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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