[Neutron] Webinar: November 6, 2019, Initial Instrument Concepts for the Second Target Station

Schrof, Crystal A. schrofca at ornl.gov
Thu Oct 17 17:16:46 CEST 2019

A webinar, Initial Instrument Concepts for the Second Target Station, will be held at 1 p.m. (EST), November 6, 2019. The Second Target Station (STS) will provide unprecedented peak brightness of cold neutrons together with a broad bandwidth resulting from 15 Hz operation. To demonstrate the potential scientific impact of this facility, 8 instrument concepts have been developed. For additional information and to register for the workshop, go to https://conference.sns.gov/event/204/.

This webinar is the third in a series of webinars preparing for the December 9-10, 2019, workshop on Science at the Second Target Station. For additional information and to register, go tohttps://conference.sns.gov/event/193/.

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