[Neutron] 2 x Instrument scientist positions at ANSTO [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

HOLT, Stephen sph at ansto.gov.au
Mon Oct 28 04:38:32 CET 2019

Dear all,

There are two ongoing instrument scientist positions currently vacant at the ANSTO Lucas Heights campus:

-          Polarised Neutron Reflectometry (Platypus).

-          Polarised 3He.

Please see the ANSTO job board<https://anstocareers.nga.net.au/cp/index.cfm?event=jobs.checkJobDetailsNewApplication&returnToEvent=jobs.listJobs&jobid=133C4310-BE81-406A-9975-AADA00B9B0EE&CurATC=INT&CurBID=0AC44449%2DCFC1%2D4622%2D9710%2D9DB401354878&JobListID=22FC4F47%2DE994%2D46A3%2DB8C9%2D9BC901269F43&jobsListKey=133ba92b%2Dda33%2D4ac6%2Da9f0%2Dc9d5e290deea&persistVariables=CurATC,CurBID,JobListID,jobsListKey,JobID&lid=34247460096> for details.  Applications close on the 10th November (Sydney, Australia, timezone).



Dr Stephen A. Holt

Instrument Scientist
Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering, Building 80S
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Locked Bag 2001
Kirrawee DC NSW 2232 AUSTRALIA

T +61 2 9717 3173
F +61 2 9717 3606
Mobile 0457 505 437
E Stephen.holt at ansto.gov.au



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