[Neutron] 2021 BTM Willis Prize

Ross Stewart - STFC UKRI ross.stewart at stfc.ac.uk
Wed Aug 4 11:16:16 CEST 2021


The UK Neutron Scattering Group and the Faraday Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry have established a prize for outstanding neutron scattering science. The prize is named in honour of the founding chairman of the UK Neutron Scattering Group, Professor B T M Willis.

Nominations for the 2021 BTM Willis Prize are now open.  Deadline: Friday 30 July 2021

Terms: The prize is awarded to an individual in recognition of a single outstanding piece of work, or a longer term coherent body of work, in the application of neutron scattering to a significant problem in physics, chemistry, materials science, earth science, the life sciences, or engineering, or alternatively in recognition of a major development in neutron scattering instrumentation or techniques.

Eligibility: The recipient of the prize will be a young scientist, in the first 12 years of a research career following the award of a first degree (allowing for career breaks), who has made a substantial contribution to the development or reputation of neutron science in the UK or Ireland.

Application: Nomination letter, applicants’ CV of no more than three A4 pages and two letters of support should be submitted to the UK Neutron Scattering Group Secretary, Dr Katharina Edkins (katharina.edkins at manchester.ac.uk<mailto:katharina.edkins at manchester.ac.uk>) by 23:59 Friday 3rd september 2021. Self-nominations will not be accepted.

For more information about the nomination and applications please see the Neutron Scattering Group webpage at ukneutron.org<https://facilities.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d5fb0ba50bc56caf8b6036d97&id=a6c6c16bda&e=1ebfde8072>.

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