[Neutron] SINQ - call for proposals I-22 - submission deadline: November 15, 2021
Useroffice (PSI)
useroffice at psi.ch
Thu Oct 7 08:42:07 CEST 2021
The next DEADLINE for the submission of beam time requests for the Swiss spallation neutron source SINQ will be:
********* November 15, 2021, midnight, C.E.T. *********
This call is open for the following instruments:
Powder Diffractometer : HRPT
Single Crystal Diffractometer : ZEBRA
Strain Scanner : POLDI
Small Angle Neutron Scattering : SANS-I
Triple-Axis Spectrometers : TASP, EIGER
Multiplexing Spectrometer : CAMEA
Time-of-Flight Spectrometer : FOCUS
Instruments for Neutron Imaging
and Optics : NEUTRA, ICON, BOA
Please note:
For the first time the Neutron Optics beamline BOA is also open for proposals. Please contact the instrument scientists in advance if you intend to submit a BOA proposal: https://www.psi.ch/en/sinq/boa/people
The Neutron Microscope can be chosen as experimental setup option on POLDI, ICON and BOA. The powder diffractometer DMC and the reflectometer AMOR are undergoing major upgrades and will thereafter enter the respective commissioning phases.
Herewith we call for proposals for the beam time period I-22 between May and August 2022. We aim to inform the users in February 2022 about the results of the proposal evaluation.
New users are kindly asked to contact the instrument scientists before submitting a proposal to discuss instrumental options and reasonable beam time requests.
Please make use of the option to link related previous proposals with their experimental reports to the new one. A proper mention of previous results will provide a certain 'bonus' during the evaluation process.
Guidelines for the proposal submission and further useful information can be found on the SINQ webpages:
Further detailed information about the SINQ instruments can be obtained here:
The feasibility of complex experiments should always be discussed in advance with the instrument and sample environment scientists.
Proposals can only be submitted electronically via the PSI Digital User Office 'DUO': https://duo.psi.ch
Paul Scherrer Institute
User Office Phone : +41-56-310-4666
CH-5232 Villigen - PSI e-mail : useroffice at psi.ch
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