[Neutron] TWO PhD positions in neutron physics at TU Wien

Schneider, Stephan stephan.schneider at tuwien.ac.at
Tue May 24 11:09:50 CEST 2022

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The group of Prof. Hartmut Abele at the Atominstitut at TU WIEN is looking for two PhD students.

We would like to ask you to forward the attached announcement to a possible candidates or/and publish it in an appropriate way at your institution.

Thank You in advance !

Best regards from Vienna,

Stephan Schneider


Dipl.-Phys. Dr.rer.nat. Stephan Schneider
Leiter Administration und Senior Scientist
Head of Service Group Administration and Senior Scientist

Atominstitut - Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics
Technische Universität Wien
Stadionallee 2
1020 Vienna
web: www.ati.ac.at
Fax: 0043-1-58801-9-141871
Mobile: 0043-699-10136572

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