[Neutron] DYNAFUN - Abstracts submission deadline extended

Laurence Tellier tellier at ill.fr
Thu Jun 2 16:19:03 CEST 2022

Dear Colleagues,

The ABSTRACTS submission <https://workshops.ill.fr/event/297/abstracts/> 
deadline for the *DYNAmics of FUNctional materials* workshop (*DYNAFUN*) 
has been postponed until *21/06/202**2*.

This event will be held *from 12**th**to 15**th**of September 2022* at 
the vacation centre "*Le Pré du Lac*" in Saint-Jorioz, Annecy, France.

We invite you to visit our website HERE for more information.

We thank you in advance for forwarding this email to your colleagues.

Best Regards,

The Organizing Committee

Martin Boehm, Mónica Jiménez-Ruizand Andrea Piovano

/Our apologies if you receive this email more than once.





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