[Neutron] Poster abstract submission open (deadline July 31st) for symposium: The 50th birthday of D11:, A History of SANS at the Institut Laue-Langevin - 26th-28th Sept 2022

SCHWEINS Ralf schweins at ill.fr
Thu Jun 16 17:11:22 CEST 2022

Dear colleagues,

We would like to remind you about the following ILL symposium taking 
place from Sept 26th-28th, 2022.

In September 1972 the first user experiment was performed on D11, the 
archetype pin-hole SANS at the Institut Laue-Langevin. On the occasion 
of the 50th anniversary of D11, a symposium will celebrate this 
achievement as a satellite meeting to the XVIII International 
Small-Angle Scattering Conference (SAS2022).

We are happy to announce that the symposium will be accompanied by a 
special issue of Eur Phys J E describing scientific accomplishments 
based on experiments performed at D11.

The symposium shall take place as an in-person meeting (the sanitary 
situation permitting) from 26-Sep until 28-Sep 2022. The submission for 
poster abstracts is open until July 31st, 2022 and we are looking 
forward to receiving your submissions.

Best wishes,
The organisers

Olga Matsarskaia
Sylvain Prévost
Emily Ryan
Ralf Schweins

Contact: 50yearsd11 at ill.fr
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