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<title>ICNS 2009—Abstract Deadline Friday, February 27</title>
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<td width="598"><p><img src="http://image.mrs.org/pix/ICNS%20header_smaller.jpg" width="594" height="100" border="0"></p>
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<td><span class="style33">May 3-7, 2009 • Knoxville Convention Center • Knoxville, Tennessee, USA</span><br> <span class="style75"><br>
Call for Papers DEADLINE -- Friday, February 27 </span><span class="style54"><br>
<span class="style54">It's not too late to submit your abstract for the International Conference on Neutron Scattering 2009 (ICNS2009)! <a href="http://mrsicns2009.abstractcentral.com/"> Abstract Central</a> is open until 11:59PM (ET) Friday, February 27. Don't delay. Submit your abstract today. <br>
Web submissions only. Abstracts must be submitted via the <a href="http://mrsicns2009.abstractcentral.com/">Abstract Central</a> site only. E-mail, fax or mail submissions will not be accepted.</span></span> <hr width=100% noshade>
<span class="style54"><strong>ABOUT THE CONFERENCE<br>
With the wealth of new and upgraded neutron facilities being proposed, built and coming on line around the globe, these are truly exciting times for neutron research. <a href="http://www.mrs.org/s_mrs/sec.asp?CID=18023&DID=231750">ICNS2009</a> will provide the most important venue for the neutron community to come together -- to learn about the latest research, to hear of progress on these projects, and to discuss new instrumentation concepts. <strong><br>
</strong> The program committees have been working diligently to create an outstanding program. We invite you to visit the <a href="http://www.mrs.org/s_mrs/sec.asp?CID=18023&DID=231750">meeting Web site</a> frequently for the most up-to-date information including program, schedules, travel information, hotels and more.<br>
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<span class="style54"><strong>REGISTRATION <br>
</strong>Registration for ICNS2009 is now open at <a href="http://www.mrs.org/ICNS09_reg">www.mrs.org/ICNS09_reg</a>. <strong> Register by 5PM (ET), April 27, to enjoy discounted rates. </strong><br>
Regular Preregistration Rate -- $465.00<br>
Student Preregistration Rate -- $345.00<br>
Retired/Unemployed Preregistration Rate -- $345.00<br>
<strong>AFTER 5PM (ET), April 27,</strong> the following increased rates will apply. <br>
Regular On-Site Rate -- $565.00<br>
Student On-Site Rate -- $445.00<br>
Retired/Unemployed On-Site Rate -- $445.00<strong><br>
<hr width=100% noshade>
<div align="left"> <span class="style54">We look forward to seeing you in Knoxville!<br>
<strong>Simon Billinge – Conference Co-Chair</strong><br>
Columbia University<br>
<a href="MAILTO:billinge@pa.msu.edu">billinge@pa.msu.edu</a> <br>
<strong>Gregory S. Smith – Conference Co-Chair </strong><br>
Oak Ridge National Laboratory<br>
<a href="MAILTO:smithgs1@ornl.gov">smithgs1@ornl.gov</a> </span>
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<span class="style66"><span class="style67">This message is being sent to you as a service of the Materials Research Society. <br>
If you do not wish to receive further messages by e-mail, <a href="mailto:info@mrs.org?subject=Unsubscribe%20ICNS2009">contact MRS Member Services</a>. <strong></strong></span><strong><br>
</strong> <strong></strong></span></span> </div>