<div dir="ltr"><div>Dear Neutron Scattering Community,</div><div><br></div><div>We are organizing a Neutron and the X-ray
Scattering in Materials Science symposium at the TMS 2023 Annual Meeting
to be held in San Diego, CA, <b>March 19-23, 2023</b>. This symposium
is aimed at emerging topics in materials science and engineering that
utilize neutron and X-ray scattering. You can find more information on
the TMS 2023 Annual Meeting and the Neutron and the X-ray Scattering in
Materials Science symposium using the following links:</div><br><a href="http://www.tms.org/TMS2023" target="_blank">http://www.tms.org/TMS2023</a> <br><a href="http://www.programmaster.org/PM/PM.nsf/UpcomingSymposia/EFC3518AEA4E023F852587F8006BF5E6?OpenDocument&ParentUNID=B8E4A6D4DBBBDCB485258687004ABCB7" target="_blank">http://www.programmaster.org/PM/PM.nsf/UpcomingSymposia/EFC3518AEA4E023F852587F8006BF5E6?OpenDocument&ParentUNID=B8E4A6D4DBBBDCB485258687004ABCB7</a> <br><br><div>If you and your students are interested in submitting abstracts to the symposium, please use the link above. Please note that the abstracts for TMS annual meeting are due very early on <b>07/01/2022</b>. Thank you!<br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Best regards,<br><br>Michael E. Manley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory<br>Chen Li, University of California-Riverside<br>Jennifer L. Niedziela, Oak Ridge National Lab<br>Hillary Smith, Swarthmore College</div></div>