9th International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals

David Price (708 972-5475) price at anpns1.pns.anl.gov
Wed Mar 29 17:31:01 CST 1995


Date:   August 27 - September 1, 1995

Location:       Stouffer Renaissance Chicago Hotel
                1 West Wacker Drive
                Chicago, Illinois  USA
                Tel: +1-312-372-7200

Scientific Program


The Ninth International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals (LAM-9) will
take place in Chicago, Illinois, from August 27 to September 1, 1995.  This
conference series started in 1966 at Brookhaven, NY, and succeeding conferences
were held in Tokyo (1972), Bristol (1976), Grenoble (1980), Los Angeles (1983),
Garmisch-Partenkirchen (1986), Kyoto (1989) and Vienna (1992).  As in the past,
the conference will continue to highlight advances in liquid and amorphous
metals, encompassing noncrystalline semiconductors and molten salts.  The
conference tradition strongly encourages the participation of junior
researchers and graduate students.  The meeting will include single sessions of
invited and selected contributed papers as well as poster displays.

Invited Speakers (partial listing)

P. Alivisatos (Berkeley)Structural transformations in
                        semiconductor nanocrystals
N. Cowlam (Sheffield)   Metallic glasses: structure and properties
T. Egami (Pennsylvania) Structure of the aluminum-based metallic
J. E. Enderby (Bristol) The metal-non-metal transition in
                        liquid alloys
H. Guntherodt (Basel)   Glassy metal surfaces
J. Hafner (Vienna)      Summary - theory
R. J. Hemley (Carnegie) Symmetry breaking transitions in dense
F. Hensel (Marburg)     Dielectric catastrophes in liquid metals
G. Kresse (Vienna)      Ab initio MD simulations on the Born-
                        Oppenheimer surface
R. Penrose (Oxford)     Tiling the plane and 3-space in unusual
                        non-repetitive ways
J. Poon (Virginia)      Electronic properties of quasicrystals
S. A. Rice (Chicago)    The liquid surface of liquid alloys
I. Silvera (Harvard)    The insulator-metal transition in
                        hydrogen: the experimental situation
K. Tamura (Hiroshima)   Structural changes and the metal-non-
                        metal transition in supercritical fluids
W. von Niessen (Braunschweig)   
                        Anderson-Mott-Hubbard model for the     
                        metal-insulator transition
W. Warren (Oregon)      Summary - experiment


Contributions are solicited from the following areas:

1.      Static and dynamic structure    8.      Metal-nonmetal transitions
2.      Atomic transport        9.      Molten salt-metal mixtures
3.      Electronic structure    10.     Liquid semiconductors
4.      Electronic transport    11.     Glass transition
5.      Magnetic properties     12.     Quasicrystals
6.      Thermodynamics          13.     Surface properties
7.      Expanded metals         14.     Clusters
                                15.     Composite materials

Some contributed papers will be selected for oral presentation, the majority
will be presented in the form of posters.  Posters will be on display for two

Call for Abstracts

Abstracts for LAM-9 must be received by April 10, 1995.  They should conform
to guidelines which can be obtained by fax request to the organizers.
Authors should submit one
original and two copies.  Since accepted abstracts will be reproduced
photographically, high quality of the original is essential.  Fax copies are
only accepted when followed by original hard copies in the mail.

Please give the name, electronic address and fax number of the author to whom
further correspondence should be addressed, and indicate whether you prefer
oralor poster presentation.  Choose one subject category (1 to 15) for your

Abstracts should be mailed to:

        Professor John van Zytveld
        Scientific Secretary, LAM-9
        Physics Department
        Calvin College
        3201 Burton SE
        Grand Rapids, MI  49546  USA


The proceedings of the conference will be published by Elsevier-North-Holland
as a special type-set issue of the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids.
Manuscriptsmust be submitted by July 1, 1995 to the Scientific Secretary (see
address above).  A maximum of six pages is allocated to the invited papers and
four pages to the contributed papers.  Notification of acceptance and referee
reports will be provided at the latest at the conference.  Text-processing
facilitiesfor making required changes to the manuscript will be provided.
Only papers presented at the conference will be included in the proceedings.

Technical Exhibit

A technical exhibit featuring a wide range of advanced instruments, computer
hardware and software, and scientific publications will accompany the
conference.  Inquiries dealing with the technical exhibit should be addressed

Mr.  Hans J. Luedi, President   Phone: +1-708-323-5399
Midwest Vacuum, Inc.    Fax: +1-708-323-2142
201 E. Ogden Avenue, Suite 15
Hinsdale, IL  60521  USA


Participants are requested to register before June 16, 1995 by completing and
mailing the registration form, which can be obtained by fax request to the
organizers, together with the registration fee, to:

        Conference Services
        Argonne National Laboratory
        Building 201
        Argonne, IL  60439  USA
Telephone: +1-708-252-5587;  Fax: +1-708-252-5274

The registration fee includes the proceedings, abstracts, conference program,
Sunday reception, and two conference lunches.
Registration fee:       $300 US         Up to June 16
                        $350 US         After June 16
The registration fee should be paid by check or money order in U.S. dollars.
Checks made out in non-U.S. currency are unacceptable.  Alternatively, bank
transfers to Argonne National Laboratory should be sent to "Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago", Account of Lakeside Bank: Account #071001504; Argonne National
Laboratory Lakeside Account #105001900.  Registration and payment should be
completed by June 16, 1995. After this date, the increased fee will apply.

Cancellations must be made in writing.  If the cancellation is received before
July 27, 1995, a refund of 80% will be made.  No refund will be made for
cancellations arriving after this deadline.

Young Researchers

A special registration fee of $100 ($150 after June 16, 1995) will apply to
young researchers - students and young postdoctoral scientists.  This fee will
not include the proceedings.  The same registration and payment procedures
apply, except that those requesting the reduced fee should enclose a brief
curriculum vitae.

Participants from overseas should inquire from the nearest U.S. embassy or
consulate whether entry visas are required.  If a visa is required, application
must be made at least three months prior to travel.

IUPAC sponsorship implies that entry visas will be granted to all bona fide
chemists provided application is made not less than three months in advance.
If a visa is not granted one month before the meeting, the IUPAC Secretariat
should be notified without delay by the applicant.


 Participants are expected to stay in the conference hotel, the Stouffer
Renaissance Chicago.  A special rate of $91 per night-single / $111 per
night-double (about half the normal hotel rate) has been negotiated with the
hotel.  The Stouffer Renaissance Chicago is a modern luxury hotel overlooking
the Chicago River, in close proximity to the "Magnificent Mile", and
participants are strongly urged to take advantage of the special rate
This rate will also apply to the weekends immediately before and after the
conference if participants wish.  Reservations should be made on the
hotel reservation form, which can be obtained by fax request to the organizers.
and returned to the hotel by July 27, 1995 (to assure availability).


The conference fee covers two special conference lunches at the Stouffer
Renaissance Chicago Hotel.  Breakfast, and lunch on the other days, can be
taken in the hotel dining room and charged to the participant's room bill.
Dinner can be taken in the hotel or in the many excellent and diverse
restaurants in Chicago.

Social Program


Date:   Sunday, August 27, 1995
Time:   18:00 - 20:00
Place:  Stouffer Riviere Room
Cost:   Included in registration fee


Date:   Thursday, August 31, 1995
Time:   19:00
Place:  The Art Institute of Chicago
Cost:   $35.00 (subsidized price)
Speaker:        Dr. John McTague
        Vice President for Research
        Ford Motor Foundation
Title:  Materials for the 21st Century

Conference Excursion

On Wednesday, August 30, 1995 a boat ride onto Lake Michigan will be arranged.
The boat will leave from the Chicago River near the hotel and pass through the
lock onto Lake Michigan, offering superb views of the Chicago skyline and many
of the fine architectural landmarks of the city.  The trip will last about one
and one-half hours.  This will be an opportunity for conference participants to
meet in a relaxed setting, and everyone is encouraged to attend.

Activities for Accompanying Persons

Several organizations offer guided tours of the city and its cultural
institutions and architectural sights.  Detailed information will be displayed
on a table at the meeting.  Special arrangements will be offered if enough
interest is expressed.

Financial Support

Limited funds are available for supporting local expenses and the conference
fee.  Priority will be given to scientists from developing countries and to
students from North America and overseas who present a paper at the conference.
Those wishing to apply for support should write to the Conference Chairmen with
reasons and details for the support required.  Answers will be given as soon as
possible, but in most cases a final decision will not be possible before the
end of July.

Visits to Argonne and The University of Chicago

On the afternoon of Friday, September 1, after the scientific program,
arrangements have been made for interested participants to visit Argonne
National Laboratory or The University of Chicago.  The Argonne visit will
include tours of the Advanced Photon Source, which is scheduled to come into
operation in 1995, and the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source.  The University of
Chicago visit will include tours of selected research facilities, the
Regenstein Library and the Henry Moore sculpture commemorating the world's
first nuclear reactor. 
Free transportation will be provided, returning participants to the
hotel by about 7:00 p.m.  Those planning to go on either of these visits are
requested to indicate this on their registration form so that appropriate
transportation and clearance arrangements can be made.


Participants may wish to consider coordinating their attendance at LAM-9 with
one of the following:

August 6-11, 1995
        Gordon Conference on Molten Salts and Liquid Metals
        Plymouth, NH
        Chairman:  Prof. J. E. Enderby, Bristol, UK
        FAX:  +44-272-255624

August 20-25, 1995
        American Chemical Society National Meeting
        Chicago, IL
        Send inquiries to:
        ACS Meetings Department
        1155 16th St., N.W.
        Washington, D.C.  20036  USA
        Telephone:  +1-202-872-4396


        Abstracts due           April 10, 1995
        Registration due        June 16, 1995
        Manuscripts due         July 1, 1995
        Hotel reservation       July 27, 1995


Questions regarding publications and proceedings should be sent to:

        Professor John van Zytveld
        Scientific Secretary, LAM-9
        Physics Department
        Calvin College
        3201 Burton SE
        Grand Rapids, MI  49546,  USA
        Fax: +1-616-957-6501

Remaining questions should be addressed to:

        Drs. Marie-Louise Saboungi/David Long Price
        Argonne National Laboratory
        Argonne, IL  60439,  USA
        Fax: +1-708-252-7777

Conference Organization

Organizing Committee

M.-L. Saboungi (Co-Chairman)
D. L. Price (Co-Chairman)
J. van Zytveld (Scientific Secretary)

        S. D. Bader     B. S. Brown
        J. M. Carpenter D. R. Diercks
        P.A. Montano    T. I. Morrison
        H. W. Myron     S. J. Riley
        D. Wolf

International Program Committee

        N. W. Ashcroft (Cornell)        A. Bienenstock (Stanford)
        F. Cyrot-Lackmann (Grenoble)    J. E. Enderby (Bristol)
        J. Hafner (Vienna)              F. Hensel (Marburg)
        D. L. Price (Argonne)           S. A. Rice (Chicago)
        M.-L. Saboungi (Argonne)        K. Suzuki (Tohoku)
        P. Wolynes (Illinois)

International Advisory Board

        A. A. Abrikosov (Argonne)       U. Dahlborg (Uppsala)
        T. Egami (Pennsylvania)         P. A. Egelstaff (Guelph)
        H. Endo (Fukui)                 B. Gelshinskii (Urals)
        K. Komarek (Vienna)             K. H. Kuo (Beijing)
        P. Madden (Oxford)              Z. Moser (Krakow)
        J. Poon (Virginia)              F. Spaepen (Harvard)
        J.-B. Suck (Grenoble)           M. P. Tosi (Pisa)
        W. van der Lugt (Groningen)     C. N. J. Wagner (Los Angeles)
        W. W. Warren (Oregon State)     R. Winter (Dortmund)
        F. Yonezawa (Yokohama)

Organization:   The conference is organized by
                Argonne National Laboratory
                Argonne, IL  60439  USA

Sponsors:       The American Physical Society
                The American Vacuum Society
                Army Research Office
                Argonne National Laboratory
                       Associate Laboratory Director for
                        Physical Research
                       Advanced Photon Source
                       Division of Educational Programs
                       Energy Technology Division
                       Intense Pulsed Neutron Source
                       Materials Science Division
                Ford Motor Company
                International Union of Pure and
                        Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
                International Union of Pure and
                        Applied Physics (IUPAP)
                The University of Chicago Board of
                        Governors for Argonne National Laboratory

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