Triple-axis spectrometers worldwide.
John R. D. Copley
john at
Fri Mar 31 15:04:39 CST 1995
Dear colleague
I am attempting to determine the number of triple-axis spectrometers (TAS)
in the world. To this end I have tried to contact appropriate people at
all research reactor facilities that might reasonably have one or more
such instruments. Below is a summary of the information I have so far
managed to collect. I would appreciate your comments, such as new, corrected,
or improved information for a reactor site, sites omitted from my list,
suggestions of people to contact at sites for which I have no information, etc.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
In this survey I have assumed (I think reasonably) that there are no
triple-axis instruments at pulsed neutron sources.
I take this opportunity to thank the many collegues who have responded to my
enquiries up to now about triple-axis spectrometers. I apologize that I
have not thanked them individually.
John Copley
CONTINENT Contact Number
Site of TAS
Chalk River Powell 4
McMaster 0
Brookhaven Shapiro 6
Oak Ridge Robertson 4
Missouri 1
Rhode Island 0
MIT Harling 0
Michigan 0
(What about Central and South America?)
ILL Grenoble Cook 5.5 (counting IN3 as 0.5)
LLB Saclay Bellisent-Funel 5 (Neutron News 3, no.1)
CENG Grenoble Boucherle 1
Julich Grimm 2
Munich Steichele 1
HMI Berlin 3 (list of instruments)
PTB Braunschweig Wagner 0
Delft Verkerk 0
Petten Brand 0
Wurenlingen Altorfer 0
Seibersdorf ? (one from Swierk?)
Kjeller ?
Studsvik McGreevy 0
Swierk Mikke 4
Rez Mikula 1
Budapest Cser ? no reply yet
Sofia Yaidzhiev ? no reply yet
Riso Broholm/Lebech 3.5 (counting TAS3 as 0.5)
Rossendorf (one from Swierk?)
Rome Sacchetti ? no reply yet
(I understand that 4 TAS were sold to laboratories at unknown
locations in the former Soviet Union; does anyone have information
about TAS instruments in the FSU?)
Korea Chung 1
Beijing Ye 1
Japan (JAERI) Endoh 7 (see 1994 annual report)
India Rao 3
Indonesia Ridwan 1
Bangladesh Ahmed 1 (information from Ye)
Pakistan Butt 1 (information from Ye)
Lucas Heights Elcombe 1
Pelindaba Venter ? no reply yet
(I understand that TAS instruments were sold to laboratories in
Cairo and in Libya; does anyone have information on these?)
John R. D. Copley
Building 235, Room E-151, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899
telephone (301)975-5133; fax (301)921-9847
e-mail: John.Copley at
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