Job Opening

Prof E.M. Forgan (Ted) emf at
Thu Nov 9 15:01:09 CST 1995

                   UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM, U.K.

Research Fellowship in Neutron and Muon Investigation of Superconductors

Applications are sought for an RF to continue the investigation of the mixed
state of superconductors by the techniques of small-angle neutron diffraction 
and muon spin rotation. This work is part of the University of Birmingham 
programme of interdisciplinary superconductivity research. The RF would join 
a highly successful international collaboration using the neutron sources at 
the ILL, Grenoble, Riso, Denmark and Oak Ridge, U.S.A., and the muon sources 
at ISIS, UK and PSI, Switzerland. Maximum-entropy techniques of analysis of 
the muon data are used, and the neutron data are also subjected to computer-
intensive analysis. The work includes the investigation of flux-lattice melting
and flux pinning by columnar defects, of flux lattice structures and 
excitations in extremely anisotropic superconductors, and the observation of 
flux motion by microscopic techniques.

The candidate should have a PhD, (or be expecting to receive it very shortly) 
or postdoctoral experience, and would be expected to have experience in at
least one of the experimental techniques to be employed; a background in 
superconductivity would also be a great advantage. The post is supported by 
a large EPSRC grant, and is available until May 1998.

Application forms and further particulars available fom the Director of 
Staffing Services, The University Of Birmingham,Birmingham B15 2TT, U.K. 
(Tel: UK+121-414-6483 (24 hours); FAX: UK+121-414-4802). Applications, 
including full curriculum vitae and naming three referees must be 
submitted by early December 1995.

Further particulars may also be obtained from Professors Forgan or Gough 
of the School of Physics and Space Research. They will be happy to discuss 
the work with interested applicants, prior to the submission of a formal 
E.M.Forgan - Tel: UK+121-414-4678, EMF at TH.PH.BHAM.AC.UK; 
C.E.Gough - Tel: UK+121-414-4669, C.Gough at BHAM.AC.UK; 
Secretary: UK+121-414-4666; FAX: UK+121-414-4719
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