NSNS Workshop-- Final Announcement

Bryan Chakoumakos kou at ornl.gov
Fri Aug 23 15:34:14 CDT 1996

                   National Spallation Neutron Source Workshop
                   Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Oct 31 & Nov 1, 1996

                           *** Final Announcement ***

Purpose of the Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to involve the user community in
determining the desirable source characteristics and instrumentation needs
of the National Spallation Neutron Source (NSNS).  Detailed descriptions of
the reference design, moderator and beam tube layouts, and target
characteristics proposed for the NSNS will be presented and working groups
formed to determine future source and instrumentation needs.  The workshop
will also include an overview of the DOE Office of Energy Research plans
for neutron science; a perspective on the science opportunities offered by
a new high-power, short-pulse, spallation neutron source; and discussions
of strategies for instrumentation development and the promotion of neutron

Travel and Lodging Information

The NSNS Workshop will be held at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak
Ridge, Tennessee, October 31 and November 1, 1996.  The Workshop will last
two full days so participants should plan to arrive on Wednesday, October
30, and depart on Saturday, November 2, 1996.  For those who wish to stay
over Saturday, November 2, to accommodate reduced airfares, a side trip to
the Smoky Mountain National Park can be arranged.  Tours of the High Flux
Isotope Reactor at ORNL will also be available.

Airline reservations should be made to Knoxville, Tennessee, the nearest
airport to Oak Ridge.  Oak Ridge can be reached by rental car, limousine
service (~US$30 one way, for reservations call 1-800-432-7923), or taxi
(US$35 one way, for reservations call 423-805-1016).  Detailed travel
information and maps will be supplied to those who request them on the
attached response sheet.

A block of rooms has been reserved at a special rate for all participants.
Please indicate your preference and arrival/departure details on the return
form to have a room reserved.

Transportation will be provided to and from the workshop and breakout
sessions, meals will be conveniently provided to encourage a working
environment, a reception will be provided on Wednesday evening from 6:00 -
9:00 p.m., and a banquet on Thursday evening will be provided to further
enhance interactions.  The registration fee is US$100.

NSNS Workshop Agenda

Thursday, October 31, 1996

Opening Session

*  Science Support in OER
   Martha Krebs, Director, Office of Energy Research (OER)

*  Plans for Neutron Sciences in BES
   Patricia Dehmer, Associate Director, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES)

*  Scientific Case for a High Power, Short-Pulse, Spallation Neutron Source
   Gabriel Aeppli, NEC Corporation

Plans for Future Pulsed Spallation Neutron Sources

*  LANSCE Proposal
   Roger Pynn, Los Alamos National Laboratory

*  European Spallation Source Proposal
   Andrew Taylor, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

*  JAERI Spallation Neutron Source Proposal
   Takehiko Mukaiya, JAERI

*  KEK Spallation Neutron Source Proposal
   Yasuo Endoh, Tohoku University

The National Spallation Neutron Source (NSNS)

*  The NSNS Collaborative Project
   Bill Appleton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

*  NSNS Reference Design
   Jose Alonso, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

*  NSNS Experimental Facilities
   Tony Gabriel, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

*  NSNS Neutronic Performance
   Lowell Charlton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

NSNS Working Groups

*  Charge to the Working Groups
   Herb Mook, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Working Groups                                  Chairman
Excitations                     Rob Robinson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Powder Diffraction              Jim Jorgensen, Argonne National Laboratory
Single Crystal Diffraction      Bryan Chakoumakos, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Small Angle Neutron Scattering  Lee Magid, University of Tennessee
Reflectometry                   Bill Hamilton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Purpose and Scope of the Working Groups

The working groups will decide on the basis of data presented at the
workshop if the proposed source characteristics (moderator types and
configurations, beam layouts, upgrade options, etc.) are suitable to meet
the needs of future neutron scattering experiments.  They will be asked to
assess instrumentation needs in several broad areas of utilization and to
determine in general what types of spectrometers would best acquire the
data desired.  If a number of spectrometers are needed, the spectrometers
should be prioritized as to which should be constructed first.  The groups
should also point out areas of development needed for future spectrometer
components (i.e., detectors, polarizers, etc.).  Finally, a road map for
spectrometer development should be devised and a plan to organize the user
community in an integrated approach for continuous instrument development.
Such an approach should involve the use of current U.S. spallation sources
and the international community.

Local Organizing Committee
Herbert A. Mook, Chairman
Tel:  423-574-5242
Fax:  423-574-6268
E-mail:  ham at ornl.gov
Bill R. Appleton
Jose R. Alonso
Stephen E. Nagler
Lee J. Magid
Bryan C. Chakoumakos
William A. Hamilton
Tony A. Gabriel

Response Form





I will attend the NSNS workshop ______.

I will arrive on:  Date________ Time___________
I will depart on:  Date________ Time___________
Please reserve a room for _____ persons for the nights of ______ Wed.
(10/30),____ Thur. (10/31), ____ Fri. (11/1), ____ Sat. (11/2) at the
special conference rate of US$65  per night.

Please send travel instructions to Oak Ridge from Knoxville _______.
I do not need travel instructions ______.

I will attend the NSNS Workshop banquet on Thursday, October 31, 1996 _____.

I am interested in a tour of the ORNL 100 MW High Flux Isotope Reactor
(HFIR) ______.
On Saturday, November 2, 1996, I am interested in visiting the Smoky
Mountain National Park _________.

Please return this form by e-mail, FAX, or regular mail to the Conference
Secretary no later than October 10, 1996:

Conference Secretary:
Ms. Karen B. Lee
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P. O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN  37831-6240
Tel:  423-574-4321
Fax:  423-574-0323
E-mail:  kll at ornl.gov

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