Audrey Archuleta ala at lanl.gov
Thu Dec 5 09:17:59 CST 1996

For a variety of reasons, each intended to maximize the scientific output
of the facility, LANSCE management has chosen to start the next run cycle
on March 1, 1997, rather than on February 1 as advertised in our call for
proposals.  The total duration of the run cycle will remain unchanged at
five months.

The major reasons for delaying the start of the run cycle were:

* To ensure that there is ample time for the liquid hydrogen moderator and
the instruments viewing this moderator to be properly installed and checked
before the cycle begins.

* To accommodate a number of important experiments (such as Accelerator
Production of Tritium) that use the linac, but preclude operations at the
Manuel Lujan Jr. Neutron Scattering Center (MLNSC) and the Weapons Neutron
Research Facility (WNR).  By running these other experiments in February
with the linac operating at low duty cycle, the MLNSC and WNR user time
will not be as strongly impacted during the March-July run cycle.

The proposal schedule will not be affected.  We still intend to review
proposals in December and send notifications in January.

We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause our users.  If you
have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the methods below.

Audrey L. Archuleta
LANSCE User Program Coordinator
Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE)
Mail Stop H831
Los Alamos, NM  87545  USA
505-665-1010(p) 505-665-8604(f)

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