FW: Japanese fellowships

Worlton, Thomas TWorlton at pns.anl.gov
Mon Jul 14 10:26:18 CDT 1997

Subject:	Japanese fellowships

The neutron group at Japan's pulsed neutron source KENS of KEK is
looking to fill the positions for young visiting scientists.  The
fellowships are part of the JSPS (Japan Society for Promotion of
Science) program.   There are two kinds of positions:
12-24 months position: receiver of PhD after 2 April 1991 3-12 months
position: receiver of PhD after 1 April 1987 People who are interested
may contact Professor Hironoku Ikeda as soon as possible for more
information.  Email address: hikeda at kekvax.kek.jp Please share this
information with others.

This message is being sent out at the request of Chun Loong and
Professor Ikeda.
Tom Worlton

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