NOBUGS'97 reminder

Julie Wulf jmwulf at
Thu Oct 16 17:52:33 CDT 1997

                                                International Workshop on
                                  New Opportunities for Better User Group
                                                  December 10-12, 1997
                                              Argonne National Laboratory
                                                    Argonne, IL USA

This is a reminder that the Advanced Photon Source (APS) and the Intense
Pulsed Neutron Source (IPNS) are hosting the second international NOBUGS
workshop at Argonne National Laboratory, near Chicago, IL, USA.  The
deadline for the submission of abstracts to be considered for oral presentation
is on Monday, October 20.  After that date, the International Advisory
Committee will start to draw up the workshop program which will then be
posted on the NOBUGS'97 web site <
/>.  Late submissions will only be considered at the discretion of the
committee.  The deadline for the submission of abstracts for poster sessions
is November 10.  

Instructions and forms for submitting  abstracts are available on the web
site at <>.

We invite you to submit papers on software, techniques, and standards for
use at synchrotron-radiation and neutron-scattering facilities. Specific
topics of interest include the following: 

       Software for instrument control and data acquisition 
       Scientific data-analysis and visualization software 
       Emerging standards and applications of scientific data formats 
       Data-storage, compression, and retrieval techniques 
       Future directions in software development, algorithms,
standardization, and sharing. 

As this is to be a workshop, demonstrations are particularly desirable. 

The registration fee for the workshop is $50 (which covers conference
fees and banquet), and accommodation at the Argonne Guest House will be $50
per night plus state tax (6%) if reserved before by November 17.   Please
note that both have been reduced from those originally posted on the web

Key Workshop Dates:

Oct. 20, 1997 
       Submission of abstracts to be considered for oral presentation.
       Requests for hardware and software support for demonstrations 
Nov. 10, 1997 
       Submission of abstracts for poster sessions 
Nov. 17, 1997 
       Registration for workshop 
Nov. 24, 1997 
       Acceptance notification to authors 
Dec. 12, 1997 
       Electronic submission of all papers/posters. 

Workshop secretary:  Julie Wulf (jmwulf at 

Dr. Tim Mooney (mooney at
Beamline Controls & Data Acquisition
Experimental Facilities Division
Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory
Dr. Ray Osborn (ROsborn at
Materials Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

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