Neutron spring school at "Les Houches" (France)

Alain Menelle menl at
Mon Feb 21 19:25:08 CST 2000

We are organising from May 2 to 12, a school at "Les Houches"
(French Alps, near Chamonix) devoted to the more advanced developments
in neutron scattering in the field of condensed matter. This school
will consist of 24 lectures addressing the following  instrumental
and scientific topics :

State of the art in powder diffraction       Focalisation
Structure and dynamics of liquids            Novel spin echo
Reflectivity                                 Neutron polarimetry
Developments with pulsed sources             Quasi elastic scattering

Superconductors                              Low dimensionality magnetism
Magnetic thin layers                         Molecular magnetism
High energy excitations                      Stress scanning
Neutrons and biology                         Advanced polymer research

Participants will have the opportunity to present posters or give
a one hour lecture. More information can be found on our Web page :


To apply send a C.V. and description of research interest,
                before March 31, 2000 to :
     A. Menelle or J. Teixeira, Laboratoire Léon Brillouin,
          CEA/Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
                   Fax : 33 1 69 33 14 84
                   menl at
                   teix at

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