SPIE Conference

Ian Anderson anderson at ill.fr
Thu Jan 18 18:04:30 CST 2001

Dear colleagues,

Just a reminder concerning the SPIE conference on "Neutron and Hard X-ray
Optics and Applications" in San Diego, 1-3 August 2001.
The deadline for submission of abstracts has officially passed but we could
still accept some late contributions. Please consult the Web page:

Ian Anderson

        	       	       	       	   Ian Anderson
      _/   _/         _/                   Head, Neutron Optics Lab.
     _/   _/         _/                    Institut Laue-Langevin
    _/   _/         _/                     B.P.156
   _/   _/         _/                      38042 Grenoble Cedex 9
  _/   _/_/_/_/   _/_/_/_/                 France

Telephone:(33) 4 76 20 71 37; Fax:(33) 4 76 20 77 00
email: anderson at ill.fr http://www.ill.fr/

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