7th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering

Chick Wilson ccw at isise.rl.ac.uk
Sun Jun 24 12:21:36 CDT 2001

7th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering

An ideal introduction to the theory, techniques and applications of neutron
scattering to the study of condensed matter

DATE: 27th August - 6th September 2001
PLACE: The School will be held in the University of Oxford with
accommodation provided in Mansfield College

The School, established since 1989, is intended primarily for scientists who
are new to the field of Neutron Scattering.  The School will comprise
lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of
Neutron Diffraction and Neutron Spectroscopy, which will be given by an
international group of lecturers who are all acknowledged experts in the field.

Bursaries will be available to all applicants under 30 years of age.
Supported by EPSRC, BCA, ISIS, EU, RSC/IoP

For more details 
email: C.C.Wilson at rl.ac.uk 
or visit the School Website

There are still places available on the school - closing date for initial
registration is 1 July.

Chick Wilson

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