FW: Postdoc Position to work on projects involving the structure of polymers

Worlton, Thomas tworlton at anl.gov
Wed Aug 22 09:57:13 CDT 2001

From: ROBINSON, Robert [mailto:rro at ansto.gov.au]
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 2:53 AM
To: Neutron mailing list
Subject: Postdoc Position to work on projects involving the structure of
p olymers

Please post the enclosed advertisement for a postdoctoral fellow to work on
projects involving the structure of polymers, using neutron-scattering,
x-ray and other techniques.

<<postdoc#CRC#polymer research.doc>> 


Robert A. Robinson 
Physics Division, Building 58 
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation 
PMB 1 
Menai                  tel:  +61-(2)-9717-9204 
NSW 2234           FAX: +61-(2)-9717-3606 
AUSTRALIA         e-mail:  rro at ansto.gov.au 

Web sites:    http://www.ansto.gov.au/ansto/neut/


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