FW: SINQ - Call for Proposals II/02

Neutron neutron at pns.anl.gov
Mon Apr 22 14:53:36 CDT 2002

From: SINQ [mailto:sinq at psi.ch] 

The next DEADLINE for the submission of beamtime requests for the Swiss
spallation neutron source 'SINQ' (http://sinq.web.psi.ch) will be:

                *********  May 15, 2002   *********

The following instruments are available in cycle II/02 (Sep-Dec 2002):

Powder Diffractometers        :  HRPT, DMC
Single Crystal Diffractometer :  TriCS
Strain Scanner                :  POLDI
Small Angle Scattering        :  SANS-I, SANS-II
Reflectometer                 :  AMOR
Triple-Axis Spectrometers     :  TASP, RITA-II
Time-of-Flight Spectrometer   :  FOCUS

Additionally, beamtime on the instruments TOPSI, NCR and NEUTRA can be
allocated by contacting the instrument responsibles directly. Information
about all instruments can be obtained from the webpage:

You are invited to submit either long-term or short-term proposals. We
accept hardcopies as well as e-mail attachments (Word- or Latex-files).
Proposals sent by fax are welcomed only if followed by a hardcopy or
electronic version before May 20th. Instructions, detailed information and
downloadable proposal forms can be found on our webpages:

We would like to bring to your notice that since 2002 SINQ is part of the
European Union Framework Program FP5 'Transnational Access to Research
Infrastructures'. Users from eligible countries are encouraged to apply for
financial support. Please have a look at:

SINQ Scientific Coordination Office
Paul Scherrer Institute
CH-5232 Villigen - PSI

Phone :    +41-56-310-2087
Fax   :    +41-56-310-2939
e-mail:    sinq at psi.ch
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