[Neutron] Position for a Condensed-Matter Scientist at Chalk River, Canada

Worlton, Thomas tworlton at anl.gov
Mon Jul 22 12:31:39 CDT 2002

Continuing Research Officer position at Chalk River (Canada) 

The National Research Council of Canada (Chalk River Laboratories) is
inviting young scientists in the field of condensed matter science to apply
for a newly-created continuing position with our Neutron Program for
Materials Research. There is a preference for candidates who will be capable
of assuming leadership of our program in magnetism, which involves a network
of national and international collaborations in quantum magnetism,
superconductivity, frustrated antiferromagnetism, phase transitions and
more.  The deadline for applications is August 26, 2002.  The link to the
official Job Posting can be found at http://neutron.nrc.ca/jobs.html
<http://neutron.nrc.ca/jobs.html> .   Click on the link entitled "Research
Officer focusing on research in magnetism and superconductivity". 

John Root 
Program Leader 


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