[Neutron] 8th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering
Howells, WS (Spencer)
S.Howells at rl.ac.uk
Thu Dec 19 14:14:09 CST 2002
8th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering
8th - 18th September 2003
University of Oxford, Mansfield College
"An ideal introduction to the theory, techniques and applications of neutron
scattering to the study of condensed matter"
The Oxford School, established since 1989, is intended primarily for
scientists who are new to the field of Neutron Scattering. The School will
comprise lectures and tutorials, covering all aspects of the theory and
practice of Neutron Diffraction and Neutron Spectroscopy. These will be
given by an international group of lecturers who are all acknowledged
experts in the field.
Techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources
are covered. Together with a strong introductory and teaching theme, the
School offers participants an opportunity to hear about some of the exciting
new research being carried out in neutron scattering. The young scientists
participating in the School are also encouraged to give a short overview of
their own research as part of the tutorial sessions.
Topics covered in the teaching Lectures include:
Neutron sources; Neutron instrumentation; Beamline components; Neutron
scattering theory; Powder, single crystal and disordered materials
diffraction; Small angle scattering and reflectometry; High energy
spectroscopy; Low energy spectroscopy
The School is residential, held in the the University of Oxford with
accommodation provided in Mansfield College. In addition to an intensive
teaching programme. there is ample opportunity for participants to sample
the delights of one of the UK's most charming and historic cities.
Funding will be available for participants under the age of 30.
Important Dates
14 Feb 2003 Pre-registration ends
Feb 2003 Second Announcement with Registration Forms
27 June 2003 Deadline for Applications
8-18 Sept 2003 School
B T M Willis (Oxford), C C Wilson (ISIS, RAL), C J Carlile (ILL, Grenoble),
R S Eccleston (ISIS, RAL)
A Albinati (Milan), G H Lander (EITU Karlsruhe)
Professor Chick C Wilson
ISIS Facility, CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, UK
Fax: +44 1235 445720
email: C.C.Wilson at rl.ac.uk
or visit the School Website
** On-line pre-registration is available through the Web-site **
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