[Neutron] FRM-II recieved final permission for nuclear startup

Juergen Neuhaus Juergen.Neuhaus at frm2.tum.de
Mon May 12 12:39:32 CDT 2003

Dear colleagues and friends.

It is a pleasure to announce that we received today 12. Mai 2003 the
final nuclear permission for the startup and following routine operation
of the FRM-II in Garching. This permission bases on the approval of the
Federal Environment Ministry from 16. April 2003. The Bavarian Ministry
for Regional Development and Environmental Affairs has signed the
license on 2. May 2003 and published it on 9. May 2003.

We expect now a period of 10 to 12 months for taking FRM-II into full
operation. The first criticality is foreseen in August to September and
first neutrons at the instruments are expected early autumn 2003. This
period will finish with several weeks of full operation at 20 MW. The
following routine operation foresees a maximum of five cycles each
of 52 days leading up to 260 days operation per year.

We would like to thank all our supporters during the last years. We are
looking forward to welcome you next year to perform fascinating
experiments at the FRM-II.

Jürgen Neuhaus, Winfried Petry

Juergen Neuhaus Technische Universitaet Muenchen Tel.: (+49) 89 2891 2187
ZWE FRM-II      D-85747 Garching, Germany        Fax.: (+49) 89 2891 4666

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